The boys are all ready in their carseats to hit the road. They are wearing some precious monogrammed day gowns (Grady hates that they are wearing "gowns") and crocheted booties made by a sweet patient of mine.
Outside the hospital, waiting to get in the car. Thank you Mawmaw Katy for the sunglasses! Got to protect those blue peepers.
Rocking in our catnapper, watching basketball. Grady is so happy to have the boys home just in time for the NBA playoffs. Perfect timing boys!
Lots of naps with MawMaw Katy
Nighty Night
Grady and I took a break from the NICU the Saturday before the boys were discharged to go out to dinner to celebrate their homecoming. Since we are leaving Shreveport, we went to one of our favorite restaraunts, Superior Steakhouse, and our wonderful waitor gave us this dessert. Delicious!
Our first few nights at home were challenging to say the least. Thankfully my mom is staying with us and has been a huge help to Grady and I. There is so much to be done. It's amazing how something so tiny can make such a huge impact on your life. We went to the pediatrician a few days after discharge and everything checked out just fine. Next we see the orthopedic surgeon to look at Griff's foot. It really does look a lot better and I am thinking that all will check out fine with this appointment. The Dr. is going to look at Jack too since he was transverse the entire pregnancy.
1. Being able to bring the boys home!!!
2. Having my mom here to not only help us take care of the boys but to guide us in exactly what to do.
1. Good orthopedic appointment for both boys.
2. We are packing up in a few days to leave Shreveport. Pray for calmness in this transition and the seperation that the boys and I will have from Grady. They change so much everyday - I hate that daddy will go weeks between seeing them.
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