Two weeks ago, Grady’s family flew in from North Dakota to see our boys for the first time. It was such a treat to have Grady’s mom, sister, and his two nieces for a week stay. Its hard to compete with North Dakota summers and mother nature did not show her best side during the visit, but the weather was not the focus of the trip!! Jenna and Lauryn were smitten with the boys right away and Aunt Tracy got to hold her nephews for the first time. Grandma Linda was finally able to hold those precious boys that she had only seen pictures of for 5 long months.
Cousin Jenna giving Jack a bath |
Grady and the boys, along with his sister and mom |
Ms. Linda is so proud of her grandsons |
Aunt Tracy and Griff, sporting the University of North Dakota onesie. |
Our beautiful nieces, Jenna and Lauryn |
Jack is checking out Lauryn while she pushes him around the pool |
Griff is just chillin' in the pool |
Shortly after they left, MawMaw Katy and PawPaw Lloyd couldn’t stand it any longer, so they returned to visit. It had been about a month since they have seen the boys. In my opinion, they boys have made the most changes in the last month than they have so far in their short little lives. They are rolling over constantly- I especially love when they roll toward each other and start sucking on each others fingers (and Toes!!!). Jack is an expert at tummy time- he is very strong, loves to stand up (with our help) and is so alert to EVERYTHING in his environment. Griffin, on the other hand, doesn’t like tummy time and has figured out that to avoid that- he simply rolls to his back. I spend a lot of time rolling Griffin back over. Both boys are becoming very verbal, Griffin loves to squeal and babble and Jack “talks” to anyone that will listen- especially ceiling fans! It is so fun to watch them experience things for the first time. When they see new people -they just stare, when they hear a new sound- their eyes widen, and when they feel a new texture- they squeal. Last Sunday, Grady rubbed the bottom of Griffin’s foot on his two day old stubble. The look on his face was priceless. . . . and Griffin’s too. J Grady is such a good daddy to our sweet boys. He loves to play with them and talk to them about politics and sports. Both boys are drooling a lot, I keep feeling for teeth, but nothing so far. I pray that teething is comfortable for them and don’t have a lot of issues.
We have worked really hard to get the boys on a schedule and I can proudly say- we got it!!! For now. I’ve been informed that it won’t last but I sure do enjoy the routine we are in now. The boys take a nap in the morning and another one in the afternoon. Sometimes they get a little catnap before baths and bedtime. This sometimes coincides with Grady and I eating supper. . . and sometimes it doesn’t. I can also say that it is the norm for them to sleep 11-12 hours every night, no waking up or feedings – just some really wet diapers in the morning. On Sundays, I usually have to wake Jack up so that we have time to feed, clothe, and of course play, before church. We have been attending one particular church since we have arrived, we have a few others to visit before we decide where we will settle, but I put the boys in the nursery and they did great.
The boys are starting to notice and interact with each other and it is just too funny!! |
Both boys are chewing on their fingers. . . and each others. |
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When I put the boys at their own play mats, they hear the other one making noise and suddenly become more interested in the other one than in their own toys.
See what I mean! Same exact toy but Griff is already trying to figure out a way to get Jack's rattle. |
I took this one morning while they were still in their crib- the flash of our camera startles them a bit!! |
Taking their monthly photo is getting harder, this month I was by myself so we had some issues. |
We have started putting Jack in his jumper. Although there is no jumping, he does love to look at all the interesting toys. |
Jack and Pawpaw Lloyd looking for some good stuff on Craigslist. |
Living in Florida comes with its risks- hurricanes!! We had been watching Isaac for some time and everyday I became a little more anxious about the situation. Growing up in Louisiana, I have weathered my share of hurricanes, but your perspective is much different when you have two babies to protect. Grady was stationed in Miami during Hurricane Andrew- so he is no stranger to them either. I wanted to leave and go to my parents’ in Louisiana well before Isaac got to the Dominican Republic but Grady assured me that we would leave in plenty of time. All I could see was the lines and lines of cars stuck on the interstate during the Katrina evacuation, running out of gas, or stores having no gas, and having my two babies in the back seat. Jeneva has spent the last 16 years in Miami. So they were not intimidated by Isaac and tried to ease my concerns about the storm. Sunday morning, Grady woke me up early to tell me he thought that we should strongly consider leaving that morning. FINALLY!! I wanted to leave last week!! So I hurriedly packed my clothes and we called my parents who so graciously agreed to start driving our way. We would meet in the middle so that mom could ride in the back seat with the boys since Grady had to stay behind at the base. By the time we got half way, the course of the storm had shifted…west….right to where we were headed…mess!!! I really thought with all the fancy technology and gadgets, the meteorologists could get this right…sooner. I mean, what a great occupation- Millions of people hang on to every word you say during hurricane season, yet you don’t really have to be right, and no one really blames you when you’re wrong. So here we are, right in the path of Isaac, while Grady is back in Florida…with sunshine….and sleeping in. Everything ended up be just fine for us at my parents house. Just some wind and rain, only lost power for 30 minutes, even though the night the storm was supposed to hit, I slept with my shoes on and a mini flashlight clipped to my pajama pants...just in case.
Griff was helping Reece put his puzzle. Uncle Andy was helping him sit up. |
Paw paw Lloyd took the boys on their first Bad Boy Buggy ride. They loved it! |
That is one proud Pawpaw. All his grandkids together. . . well almost all- Tessia, my sister-in-law, wouldn't let baby Price come out to play- maybe in two more weeks when he is scheduled to make his arrival. |
Because the boys don't do so well in the car anymore, we stopped half way between my parents and our house and stayed in a hotel. This is hotel stay #2 for the boys and it was much better than the first. The hotel provided us with two cribs and Griff was excited to finally be in bed and out of that car seat! |
Sweet Jack is all dressed and ready for the second half of our trip. Just waiting on mommy to finish getting ready and for daddy to pack the car.
The boys are adorable!! Glad y'all survived the hurricane okay...last week Graham and I spent our days glued to the New Orleans television stations to monitor everything back home.
Love the blog post but sorry we missed you on our trip to the beach. Maybe we'll just HAVE to come back again before it gets too late for me to travel so I can see those boys soon!
Hi Alicia, Grady, Grif, Jack, and Brady,
You do such a great blog! Thanks for keeping us up to date with the journal AND pics! You all look great and we miss you!
Much love,
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